Published on Amazon for Kindle (& Kindle for iPad app)!

Just finished publishing book (chapter) number 4 on Amazon. The series is called "I Can't Make This Shit Up", and the book titles are "Onwards Wayward Boatmen". The 4 Chapters (each is sold as a separate "book" for $1.49) are subtitled: Sinyala Fault, Pop and the Missing World of Left, The Havasu Flash Flood of 1984, and Onwards!. Easy to find if you just use the Amazon search field for Jeffe Aronson, or I Can't Make This Shit Up, or Onwards Wayward Boatmen.

It's a big moment for me. I'm skipping searching for an agent, and just going for it. You can read all of those stories on my website for free, but hey, what's a buck fifty? You can also subscribe to my newsletter, which has new writings, vid, and photos when I'm off the river. The website is:, and the newsletter sign-up is on the left of the home page.

If you have a Kindle, and get a copy, let me know, and thanks so much for your support. If there's any mistypes or suggestions, happy to oblige (for a free copy, of course). Enjoy!