Quick Fun Mix Of Grand Canyon River Stuff

Hey all... I'm just off my 2nd Grand Canyon Dories trip, and off for Idaho day after tomorrow. Lots happening as usual, so rather than blearily eking it out in between trips, I'll give it to you all at once...

First, a vid of Curtis in the Phantom getting slammed by the Big Cahuna in Lava Falls. (see... I TOLD you it wasn't just me!... I came out clean and still in the boat (for a change))...

Next, a really fun video of Ned Perry, a super cool OARS guide who runs the sweep rig on the Middle Fork of the Salmon in Idaho, and just rowed his first paid dory trip in the Grand. I already showed you his Grand Canyon Hula Hoop vid, but this one is off our last trip, at the post Lava-Follies, doing his rendition of Blazing Saddles.

Here's an embarrassing little vid on a real bad start to a motor trip (they wrapped in the very first rapid: Badger). Ugh.

Here's a link to a super cool guy's testimonial after our April 2 dory trip. We played a lot of music together, me on guitar and him on harmonica. Some music vids to come in the next newsletter...

Finally, below is an interesting little call for Grand Canyon music from the Grand Canyon River Guides. Feel free to contact them if you have music or know a musician who might be interested:

Please see the email below from the artistic director of the Grand Canyon Music Festival.  One of their composers would like to talk to river guides and other river stakeholders later on this week to get a feel for what the river means on a personal level, what the future may hold, etc....  Sounds like a really incredible project to be a part of!  Translating that river passion to music will be phenomenal.   Please contact her immediately if you're interested.  Thanks!

-------- Original Message --------


Christa Sadler


Sat, 17 May 2014 21:23:58 -0400


Clare Hoffman <clareflute@verizon.net>



Hello Lynn,


Christa Sadler gave me your contact info!


I am artistic director of the Grand Canyon Music Festival.


We are starting the "Planning to Plan" stage for a Grand Canyon Oral History commissioning project, leading to a world premiere performance of a new work reflecting diverse voices of the Grand Canyon during the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of Grand Canyon National Park.

We have severall composers we are working with, including the young Navajo composer Raven Chacon and the 2014 Pulitzer Prize winning John Luther Adams..

The plan is to have all four of our composers, over the next couple of months, travel to the area and interview Grand Canyon stakeholders, and we hope to include River Folks in that mix!

Right now, we have 2 composers scheduled:

Richard Einhorn: May 12 - May 15
Richard just returned, meeting with James Bilagody and Carl Bowman (for the geology angle) and a few long time GC folks.

Eve Beglarian: May 20 - May 24
I want to have Eve concentrate on the river angle.
Check our her Mississippi River project here: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/06/arts/music/06shat.html?_r=0


Christa suggested you could send out a notice to the river guides on listserve about this. You can use the short description below with my email address as a contact


I realize this is short notice, but all of my contacts are currently on the river!

Thank you!

I look forward to hearing from you -



Clare Hoffman, artistic director

Grand Canyon Music Festival


The Grand Canyon Music Festival is in the planning stages for a Grand Canyon Oral History commissioning project, leading to a world premiere performance of a new work reflecting diverse voices of the Grand Canyon during the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of Grand Canyon National Park.

Several composers are working on the project, including the young Navajo composer Raven Chacon, the 2014 Pulitzer Prize winning John Luther Adams, and Eve Beglarian.

Our composers will be in the area to interview Grand Canyon stakeholders, and we hope to include River Folks in that mix!

Eve Beglarian will concentrate on the river perspective.
Check our her Mississippi River project here: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/06/arts/music/06shat.html?_r=0


She will be in the area May 20 - May 24. Anyone interested in participating, please contact Clare Hoffman at clare@i-2000.com